Partnerships Are The New Superpower

bloXmove’s vision of a decentralized mobility alliance and the open Mobility Blockchain Platform is based on strong partnerships. That is the heart of our entire solution. The tech product is built, mature and production-ready, so now the entire bloXmove team is working on the ecosystem development. We are proud to announce our new partners and introduce their special ability and role in the bloXmove Mobility Alliance. 

We are very proud to have 51nodes on board as another technology partner, who will significantly support us in building the Mobility Blockchain Platform and the entire mobility ecosystem.

The collaboration with 51nodes already started at the very beginning of the development of the Mobility Blockchain Platform then still under the Daimler Mobility AG brand. That’s why we are very pleased to continue this long-standing partnership as bloXmove and to bring the technology now known as bloXmove Mobility Blockchain Platform to the next level.
As a German consulting company, 51nodes supports the implementation of various blockchain projects, because not only the future of mobility, but also of the economy will be #digital#collaborative and #decentralized. With this, we are connected by the vision to bring #blockchain technology into the business world and thus create real added value for people. Building the bridge between the crypto and business world, we want to make the bloXmove vision of a decentralized network of mobility providers based on blockchain technology a reality. In doing so, 51nodes supports us with their experience and firm believe in innovation, especially in the development of promising pilot projects.

We are very happy to announce Spherity as one of our first and therefore longest partners.
Spherity is a German decentralized digital identity software provider, bringing secure identities to enterprises, machines, products, data and even algorithms. Spherity’s technology will help us build a decentralized platform that brings the bloXmove vision of an open and cooperative mobility alliance to life. Spherity’s digital identity management software based on W3C DIDs and verifiable credentials represents one of the key capabilities of the Mobility Blockchain Platform as the basis for secure and fully automated business processes.

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