Today it is Mo(o)nday.
The day when we take off with bloXmove and start to revolutionize the #mobility and #energy industry.
We bought Daimler’s Mobility Blockchain Platform and can announce that Sophia Rödiger is the new CEO and will lead the company into a promising future.
A future which is decentralized and cooperative, instead of centralized and aggregated.
The teams worked for this mobility vision at Daimler Mobility AG over the last 3 years where we jointly developed the Daimler Mobility Blockchain Platform #MBP.
bloXmove is founded to continuing and manifesting a global #mobilityalliance to solve the problem of that highly fragmented urban mobility market.
The problem is not new, bloXmove’s technology solution is – we carry your passengers further, without touching them.
I am grateful and thrilled that I got the opportunity to develop and lead a software company of the future. This team will revolutionize the urban mobility.