$BLXM ETH:BSC token bridge goes live

It’s been a thrilling few days as we watch with excitement the resounding welcome the $BLXM IDO got from our incredible community. The bloXmove team is indeed fortunate to have such a family-like community supporting us in reinventing the world’s Power and Mobility markets. 

Not being among the fearless, we decided to go for a dual-chain launch strategy:

$BLXM launched simultaneously on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) as well as Ethereum (ETH).

$BLXM launched at 0.8 USD per token:

On BSC we launched the liquidity pool at Pancakeswap
On ETH we launched on Uniswap

As this article is written, Mon, Oct. 25th, i.e. 3 days after tha launch, we are trading at above 10x (as I write this 8.1 USD on BSC and 8.5 USD on Ethereum).

..well: what does the attentive reader spot?
Question: :“Why is there a difference of 0.4 USD between the price of $BLXM on BSC and ETH?”
Answer: “Well spotted, my sweet padawan! Actually the gap fluctuates between up to 1.5 USD and a min of 0.2 USD”.
Question: “But isn’t that strange? I thought we are one community; shouldn’t we all get the same price conditions?
Answer: ”Ah, how right you are, my friend. But you know: even though Ethereum is really, really big and BSC is really, really big — they are completely disconnected; two spaceships never crossing paths…”
Question: “Oooh, that is so so sad…. But wait! Sensei: can we not connect them with a magic bridge? I heard Bridgemaster Taha once travelled on one and went from BSC and ETH and back? He told me so, he told me so…”

And that is why we teamed up with Ferrum Networks to offer our community a fully operational BSC:ETH bridge for $BLXM tokens.

We are happy to announce that going forward $BLXM holders can either use their tokens on both the Ethereum network and on the Binance Smart Chain with the launch of our BLXM token bridge!

Why We Created the Bridge

The number one reason behind our decision to create our own ETH-BSC token bridge is to give you our supporters maximum flexibility. As the token resides on both Ethereum and BSC, we feel that it is your right to choose where to hold your tokens. The BLXM token is a single asset that has a unified value on our Mobility Blockchain Platform.
As such, we felt compelled to ensure unified asset management and price finding. The discrepancy which would and is otherwise arising, could give the impression that we have two distinct assets on bloXmove.

The bloXmove community is one, not two.

The BLXM ETH-BSC bridge will be operational
from Wednesday, October 27th 2021, at 14:00 UTC at https://bridge.bloxmove.net .

Contracts and other addresses

The following are the Verified token addresses for

  1. BSC
  2. ETH

The liquidity pools can be explored here

$BLXM on Uniswap (ETH)


$BLXM on Pancakeswap



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